
«Matter as Regent» FEEEEEEEEDBACK...

The beast has landed! «Matter as Regent» latest reviews available online. 

Les immortels (FR)
"(...) Le trio portugais parvient à créer un album intrigant, puissant, organique. Il y a bien un aspect viscéral au sein des compositions, mais le traitement qui est infligé à cette matière tient plus de la forge que de la salle d’opérations : contours indistincts, chaleur, faible luminosité, le tout n’est pas clinique." 
By Alkayl

Made in Metal (SP)
"(...)Las canciones son sumamente impredecibles y al inicio stoner de “Ghost Of You” nadie podrá imaginar lo que vendrá durante esos siente minutos de cordura ordenada, que se contrapone con la locura que marca “Star Over A Wheel” y un sonido que por momentos recuerda a los Pink Floyd del Unmmagumma tocado con tecnología del siglo XXI."
By Jesús Eli

Merchants of Air (BE)
"(...) Matter As Regent is already one of the most challenging albums to review in the first weeks of the new year.  (...) I can recommend the album if you're an open minded extreme music lover looking for something truly surprising and unpredictable."  
By Serge

Powermetal (DE)
"(...) Mit "Matter As Regent" ist es wie mit abstrakter bildender Kunst: Man kann das Werk fasziniert betrachten bzw. anhören, mit gleichzeitig gesträubten Nackenhaaren und Zehennägeln. Die Jungs von WELLS VALLEY sind sich der Befremdlichkeit ihrer Sache mit Sicherheit ganz bewusst. Ja, Kunst darf das, Kunst darf auch verstören, abschrecken, bis an die Schmerzgrenze fordern, und, so wie bei "Matter As Regent", auch darüber hinaus. Ob sich für diese ebenso innovative wie grenzwertige Form von Musik allerdings eine breitere Hörerschaft finden wird, ist – mit Verlaub – nur schwer vorstellbar."
By Timon Krause

Disfactory (IT)
"(...) Matter As Regent  è fortemente cupo e negativo, tanto che lo si potrebbe definire come il lato “dark” e schizofrenico del post metal. Non mi sento di caldeggiarlo al momento, ma in futuro ci potremmo tornare su con il senno del poi, chissà che non arrivi a rilasciare un sapore leggermente diverso."
By Duke "Selfish" Fog

White Room (NL)
"(...) Wells Valley heeft met Matter As Regent een plaat gemaakt die mysterieus en afwisselend is. Liefhebbers van acts als Neurosis en Cult Of Luna zullen deze band zeker kunnen waarderen. Wells Valley staat in dat kader zeker voor een originele insteek op metal." 
By Reageer

Manchester Rocks (UK)
"(...) The trio have created an ambitiously creative, diverse and inspiring record that stays in your memory long after it finishes, just like the most vivid of bad dreams, it stalks you for the rest of the day, if not longer: Incredible."
By Phil Weller

Toxic Online (UK)
"(...) There is certainly nothing generic about Wells Valley. The trio are obviously extremely talented musicians, but they also know exactly how to create an album that brings something new to the post-metal/sludge scene. Each songs sounds different, with hints of progressive, technical and death metal incorporated into their music in unique ways."
By Julia Conopo

Ninehertz (UK)
"(...) This feels like a nearly-complete release that could be hampered by a strange production, however Wells Valley have a truly unique approach to a genre packed with copyists and boring alternatives. Persist with this and the rewards are obvious."
By Mike

The Grim Tower (US)
"(...) The music of Portuguese post metal trio Wells Valley is definitely something different, and it experiments in some rather peculiar fashions." 

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