
«FÆMIN», the latest album for the Portuguese sludge monsters continues to gather awesome reactions a little bit everywhere!

"Fæmin's strength lies in its strangeness, its marriage of industrial sensibilities, doomed prophecies, and forbidding ambiance. There's just not much else out there that sounds like this. The band's ability to take a formulaic core and build it up to such impressive heights is a commendable achievement unto itself. They also, impressively, manage to imbue the album with a true sense of personality: In the end, Process of Guilt's earnestness is as endearing as their brutal approach is beguiling."
By Kim Kelly

Album Of The Day at Roadburn Festival!
By Walter

Rock-a-Rolla #38
"Imagine, if you will, that Neurosis hadn't come from a punk/Black Flag background in the 80's, but instead descended from an evolutionary line including doom, Godflesh and, ouroborus-like, Neurosis themselves. If they had, their stylistic breakthrough album Souls At Zero might well have sounded something like Fæmin. Process of Guilt have far outgrown the crushing yet still somewhat embryonic death/doom of their beginnings and deliver with this, their third album, a fully mature and grown-up effort. Hugo Santos's roar of yore has turned into a powerful, aching below which suits the overpowering darkness of these five new songs much better, songs which themselves follow a much darker and rougher path, stripped of everything non-essential, raw and primal yet packing a hefty riff-driven punch. Opener Empire is probably the best song on offer here, but on all of them the band throws the main Neurosis and Godflesh influence into a dirty bag containing scraps of Amenra, Black Shape Of Nexus and even Khanate, coming out with an end result that is distinctly Process of Guilt."
By José Carlos Santos

Metal Injection
"Introspective yet subtly threatening, Process of Guilt eschew both the jazzy instrumental interplay of most post-metal as well as the primal scream therapy of your average sludge, but in doing so create something more personal and enduring."
By Jeremy Ulrey

The Sleeping Shaman
"Until now Process of Guilt have not made much of a name for themselves outside of mainland Europe but Fæmin could well be the album to make them known far and wide. So as the rain continues to fall and the sun only occasionally manages to break through the clouds here in the UK, it’s hard to think of a more suitable album to be the soundtrack to another ‘wonderful’ British summer. Consider Process of Guilt honorary Brits."
By Tom McKibbin

Lords of Metal
"It’s a dark and heavy album that you have to listen to when you like threatening music."
By Pim Blankenstein

"Cinq titres au menu : un mastodonte métallique qui se caractérise autant par sa lourdeur sludge cataleptique que ses atmosphères doom oppressives aux effluves postcore métallique telluriques. Une matière organique qui n'est pas sans évoquer par moments ce que l'on peut prendre dans les conduits auditifs en écoutant les oeuvres de leurs voisins de label que sont pionniers postcore de Dirge."
By Aurélien Dubois

"PROCESS OF GUILT geben dem Zerfall eine weitere, neue Stimme, aber so bedauerlich wunderschaurig-schön und auf Raten, dass das nächste und letzte Signal-Wort nur "Ehrfurchtsgebietend" sein kann."
By Mathias Freiesleben

Check out the latest interviews with Process of Guilt:

Lords of Metal
"Portugal’s Process Of Guilt delivers an album, entitled ‘Fæmin’, that should appeal to fans of doom and sludge. The doom/death of the early days is almost gone but musically Process Of Guilt is a band with an own plan and vision, which is admirable. Lords Of Metal speaks with singer/guitarist Hugo."
Read more

Ruído Sonoro
Audio- Youtube

Queens of Steel
"La escena metalera portuguesa no parece estar demasiado poblada, no sé si será por esa poca cantidad de formaciones que hay, pero ciertamente una formación como PROCESS OF GUILT merece destacar no solo por ello. Y es que estos 4 doomsters, desde su formación en 2002, tan solo nos han regalado unos discos de una enorme calidad, aunque a pesar de ello tan solo hemos podido verlos 2 veces en nuestro país (una de ellas en el ya extinto Madrid is the Dark Fest) y siguen manteniéndose en el underground. Ahora editan otro impecable trabajo, “Faemin”, motivo por el cual mantuvimos esta profunda charla con el bajista de la formación, Custódio."

Infektion Magazine #14



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